February 2019 Archives

Sunlit Plains.

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Tempe_Industrial_Sunset_Clouds_Colors_Concrete_Walls.jpgAnd a portal to where.

On a Fiery Thread.

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Moon_Contrail_Sunset_Color_1b.jpgThe moon.


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KISS_Glendale_Gene_Simmons__Paul_Stanley_Tommy_Thayers_Stage_Firewheels_02.jpgEnd Of The Road World Tour.
KISS_Glendale_Gene_Simmons_Eric_Singer_Paul_Stanley_Tommy_Thayer_1k2.jpg  KISS_Glendale_Gene_Simmons__Paul_Stanley_Eric_Singer_Tommy_Thayers_02.jpg


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This page is an archive of entries from February 2019 listed from newest to oldest.

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March 2019 is the next archive.

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