June 2012 Archives

Waves on Film.

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0561302-R1-006-1A.jpgI got the film back from Tempe Camera and some pictures turned out better than expected from a disposable camera I used to make some pictures while swimming around, LOL.This film stuff actually looks pretty cool, haha.

0561302-R1-052-24A.jpg 0561302-R1-004-0A.jpg

Transit of Venus.

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Transit_of_Venus.jpgOf course. This was actually very cool.
I made a solar filter out of a thermal blanket (2 layers, to be exact) and stretched it over the hood of my zoom lens. I didn't expect it to work that well, so that I could even see sunspots. But I took several pictures and stacked them together (left image). Another one shortly after first contact (below).


Viejo San Juan - Old San Juan

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Old San Juan 129.jpgFinally, the pictures from Old San Juan. I've posted them in my gallery.

Old San Juan 124.jpg Old San Juan 054.jpg

This one set below is cool, historically. The left one was taken December 1941 by Jack Delano for the Farm Security Administration. I found it on Shorpy.com and wanted to see how this place looks today. Unfortunately it was late afternoon so the light wasn't the best.

December 1941 - May 2012.jpg


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