September 2015 Archives

Mesh Screen.

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Mesh 004.jpg
Mesh 002.jpg

Desert Night.

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DesertNight 014-1a.jpgLight rail station.
DesertNight 019.jpg

Total Lunar Eclipse.

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SuperMoonEclipse 022.jpg
Over Tempe, Arizona.
SuperMoonEclipse 020.jpg SuperMoonEclipse 018.jpg

Total eclipse about to begin.
SuperMoonEclipse 047.jpg


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Guadalupe 053_2.jpgOur Lady of Guadalupe Church.
Guadalupe 075.jpg

Guadalupe 008.jpg


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Monday 033-1.jpgReflection.
Monday 029.jpg

Monday 009.jpg

Soft Light.

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MountainGlass 011-3.jpgTracks.
MountainGlass 014.jpg

Halftone pattern.
MountainGlass 011-5.jpg MountainGlass 014-2.jpg

$2.41 Reg.

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Gas 001-3.jpgCash only.


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This page is an archive of entries from September 2015 listed from newest to oldest.

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October 2015 is the next archive.

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