January 2018 Archives

Winter Evening.

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Winter_Sunset_Shadows_Tree_Lemons_Colors.jpgIn warm light.

Sunlight Color.

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Copper_Building_Sunrise_Light_Reflection_Boom_Lift_02-1.jpgAgainst copper.
Copper_Building_Sunrise_Light_Reflection_Boom_Lift_01.jpg Copper_Building_Panels_Reflections_02.jpg

Light Installation.

High Speed Chase.

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High_Speed_Chase_Tempe_Arizona_4.jpgAt the end.
High_Speed_Chase_Tempe_Arizona_6.jpg High_Speed_Chase_Tempe_Arizona_17.jpg

Spectral Intensifier.

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Winter_Light_Tempe_Modern_Architecture_Light_Reflection_02.jpgIn modern architecure.

Metal Frame.

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Metal_Construction_Frame_Structure_01-1.jpgBuilding under construction.
Metal_Construction_Frame_Structure_02.jpg Metal_Construction_Spotlights_01.jpg

Rusty patch.

Metallic Reflections.

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Construction site.
Copper_Clad_Construction.jpg Copper_Clad_Construction_02.jpg


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This page is an archive of entries from January 2018 listed from newest to oldest.

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