May 2014 Archives

Street Level.

Sears Tower 009.jpg
This looks a little chaotic. And some more random pictures.

Chicago 2 147.jpg Chicago 2 158.jpg
Chicago 2 154.jpg Sears Tower 086.jpg

1,353 Feet.

Sears Tower 016.jpgFrom the 103rd floor of Willis Tower. The elevator moves up to 1,600 feet per minute.

Sears Tower 019.jpg Sears Tower 033.jpg


Sears Tower 048.jpg Sears Tower 040-1.jpg


Chicago 2 099-1.jpgShip sailing out to Lake Michigan and a seagull.

Chicago 2 090.jpg

Somewhere below the city and above.

Chicago 2 125.jpg Chicago 2 177.jpg


Chicago Night 1 174.jpgSome more pictures along the Chicago River at night; taken mainly with my despised Sigma 30mm f/1.4 EX DC lens.

Chicago Night 1 111.jpg Chicago Night 1 116.jpg

Train crossing the bridge and a cloudy sky.

Chicago Night 1 157.jpg Chicago Night 1 176.jpg


Chicago 1 041.jpg
From the air just as the plane was turning around.

Late afternoon sun on the Chicago River.

Chicago 1 060.jpg Chicago 1 093.jpg

DuSable Bridge

Chicago 1 045.jpg


Squirrels 057.jpgLittle ones on ASU campus.

Having a snack. This was the curious one.

Squirrels 064.jpg Squirrels 054.jpg

The whole bunch...

Squirrels 052.jpg


Tuesday 005.jpg
Nice day and mild night. These were just handheld since I didn't have my tripod with me.

Tuesday 025.jpg Tuesday 033.jpg

RGB at 102°F

RGB 003-1.jpgThere are cranes all over the city. And it's getting hot; picture taken at 102°F.

Finals Week.

Finals Week 020.jpgAnd it's getting pretty quiet on campus.

Finals Week 007.jpg Finals Week 035.jpg

University Dr. and empty lots.

Finals Week 009.jpg Finals Week 042.jpg


Clouds 029.jpgSodium vapor lamp and fake silk flower on blue timber.

Clouds 016-1.jpg

Passing Clouds.

Clouds 031.jpgPower lines and palm trees.

Clouds 035.jpg Clouds 048.jpg

First quarter moon.

Clouds 042.jpg

May the Fourth Be With You.

May 4th 009.jpgR2-D2 and C-3PO in the early morning sun.

May 4th 018.jpg


Fuel 002.jpg6-4-2 and Blue Moon

Fuel 012.jpg Fuel 007.jpg

Across the street.

Fuel 014.jpg


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