December 2013 Archives

Light Trails.

Lighttrails 018.jpgOn University Dr near ASU. And some light chains on ASU Tempe campus.

Lighttrails 003.jpg Lighttrails 006.jpg

Today is Christmas.

Foggy 058.jpgMerry Christmas!

Some shots from my recent trip to Boston. It was fairly windy with the lights at the lower branches all twirly.

And another view.

Foggy 057.jpg

Christmas Eve.

ChristmasEve 009.jpgAnd what a nice day it was.

ChristmasEve 005.jpg ChristmasEve 008.jpg

I sort of like this set shot on Mill Ave:

ChristmasEve 016-3_1.jpg

Here large and the individual pics: left - center - right
Do not pet the cat at Old Town Books!

ChristmasEve 013.jpg  And that's it for today!


Fallen 007-0.jpg
Leaves late at night. And with a more shallower depth of field.

Fallen 004.jpg Fallen 007-2.jpg

Pumping Concrete.

Construction 006-1.jpgConstruction of an ASU building in downtown Tempe, looks pretty nice so far.

Construction 007.jpg


Orion_labels.jpgOn the flight back to Phoenix Orion was beautifully visible and the picture came out nicely considering the handheld camera (half second exposure) on a moving plane. Here's the picture without the labels. This was taken with my 30mm f/1.4 lens


Rainy Color Schemes.

BOS-PHX 001.jpg
It started to rain during departure so here's the obligatory raindrop bokeh, LOL. Empty row across the aisle.

BOS-PHX 003.jpg BOS-PHX 009.jpg

Dynamic flashy scenes at the wing; in the second picture crossing from Minnesota into Iowa.

BOS-PHX 030.jpg BOS-PHX 081.jpg

Boston Logan.

BOS 005.jpgBoston was nice and now it's back to Phoenix. And a couple shots at the airport.

BOS 006.jpg BOS 007.jpg


Foggy 001.jpgLight, bare trees and reflection.

Foggy 016.jpg Foggy 031.jpg
Foggy 039.jpg Foggy 041.jpg
Foggy 051.jpg Foggy 054.jpg


Traffic 016.jpgGillette World Shaving Headquarters and rooftops; random shots with the tele-photo lens.

Traffic 008.jpg Traffic 001.jpg
Traffic 007.jpg

Chilly Night

Boston Chilly Night 007.jpghere in Boston, so I only took a couple pictures mainly with my 30mm f/1.4 and 50mm f/1.4 lenses.

Boston Chilly Night 011.jpg Boston Chilly Night 017.jpg
Boston Chilly Night 019.jpg Boston Chilly Night 031.jpg

Over New Mexico

PHX-BOS 041.jpgon a JetBlue flight from Phoenix to Boston. And a shot of some light reflections in the cabin during the flight.

PHX-BOS 050.jpg


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