July 2013 Archives


SD Ballgame 010.jpg
At the Petco Park.
Padres vs Reds. (final: Padres 2, Reds 1)

SD Ballgame 011.jpg

Silvergate Ferry.

SD Silvergate 017.jpg
This ferry, built in 1940, runs between downtown San Diego and Coronado. Some night time shots of downtown San Diego from across the bay with the USS Midway (CV-41) now a museum.

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Picture taken during the trip back to SD and an earlier shot.

SD Silvergate 051.jpg SD Silvergate 024.jpg

San Diego

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California, how cool :-P

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PHX - SAN 030.jpg PHX - SAN 029.jpg

More Roanoke.

Roanoke last 018.jpgA couple more impressions from Roanoke. Even more can be found in my gallery...

Roanoke three 053.jpg Roanoke two 014.jpg
Roanoke three 064.jpg Roanoke last 023.jpg

Embedded into Cloudy Skies.

Roanoke one 075.jpgNiece cloud formations from my trip to Charlotte.

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A couple more pictures in my gallery.


ROA - CLT - PHX 001.jpgSome more pictures of the flight from Roanoke to Charlotte on this cool Dash 8 Turboprop operated by Piedmont Airlines.

These two pictures during take-off came out nicely.

ROA - CLT - PHX 007.jpg ROA - CLT - PHX 009-2.jpg

Wave at Saturn.

Cassini, 898 million miles away, was making a picture of saturn and earth so they asked people to Wave at Saturn.

Saturn 010.jpg Eyes1-1.jpg

There have been only two images of Earth from the outer solar system, the first and most distant one was taken 23 years ago by NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft from 4 billion miles, showing Earth as a pale blue dot. Simulation from the NASA site.

_cfimg3161307409360932481.PNGThe "Pale Blue Dot" picture is from the book:
Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space, Carl Sagan, Random House (November 14, 1995)
ISBN-10: 0679764860

And the most awesome certificate.

PIA17171-3.jpgPIA14949-1.jpgHere are the images Cassini sent back. Saturn with the rings and Earth as the bright blue dot. And Earth with the Moon. You can find more on the JPL site.

Early Morning.

Early Construction 003.jpgConstruction site with crane.
One more LOL.

Early Construction 006.jpg

Last Day in Roanoke.

Roanoke last 028.jpg
And here are just some scenes.
Every day is market day in Roanoke. And what's with all these homegrown peaches but no peanuts? If you ever make it to Roanoke check out the On The Rise Bakery for the yummiest sandwiches.

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Roanoke last 001.jpg Roanoke one 139.jpg

Hotel Roanoke

Roanoke three-half 021.jpg
at night. These new freight cars sure look shiny.

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Roanoke one 158.jpg
A couple pictures from Roanoke taken from the top of some parking deck.

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Paintings found in The Hotel Roanoke. Fluorescent Meadow by Greg Osterhaus and Roanoke Tracks II by David Dooley.

Flourescent Meadow.jpg Roanoke Tracks II - David Dooley - part.jpg

Lucky You.

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And here's a flower, too! And some extinct wild animals.

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Awesomeness of the Norfolk Southern Roanoke Shops.

Roanoke two 062.jpg  Roanoke two 013.jpg

At 516 mph

I had to try the in-flight Wi-Fi on my US Airways route from Phoenix to Charlotte, NC. And the GPS on my Nexus 4 works quite all right. Ahh, toys LOL.

And still so long to go...

Happy 4th of July!

4th_of_July_2013.jpgA Flag for All Seasons.
You can get this forever stamp from the USPS.

4th of July 2013 003.jpg


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This page is an archive of entries from July 2013 listed from newest to oldest.

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