June 2013 Archives


Dry Heat 014.jpgWhat a hot weekend. Scorching temperatures across the valley and the Southwest.

wundermap04.jpg OutsidetempHistory.gif

A picture of my Zippo lighter, because, it's a dry heat, too LOL.

Sunset at 110 degrees.

Sunset 114F 025.jpg
And a high today of 114F. Arizona sunsets are amazing.

Sunset 114F 027.jpg Sunset 114F 014.jpg
Sunset 114F 012.jpg

Earlier this day

Tempe FD 005.jpgthe Tempe FD had some training on campus so they didn't mind making some close ups of the fire trucks.

Tempe FD 024.jpg Tempe FD 014.jpg
Tempe FD 017.jpg

Like Embers.

ASU Sunset 022.jpgThe setting sun creating ember like luminance.

ASU Sunset 014.jpg

Taken around the ASU Tempe campus with my SMC Pentax-A 50mm/f1.4 prime lens.

Supermoon again.

Supermoon 030-3.jpg
The Supermoon just above A-mountain in Tempe. These are crops from a bigger view and without the power line running up the mountain LOL.

Supermoon 030-1.jpg

The pictures were taken with my 300mm tele-photo lens (Tamron AF 70-300mm f/4.0-5.6) but it might be worth to try it with my 2x teleconverter. The next Supermoon is on August 10, 2014.

More Pictures.

Supermoon 008.jpgFrom around the Tempe Center for the Arts.

Supermoon 117-1.jpg Supermoon 119.jpg

Construction flashers with bus passing by.

Supermoon 130-1.jpg


Supermoon 030.jpgThis evening occured another supermoon and it's only the second time I tried to make some pictures. Here the moon rises behind the A-mountain or Hayden Butte with the old Hayden Flour Mill in front. The arch is part of the Footbridge across Tempe Town Lake.

And a little later...

Supermoon 046.jpg Supermoon 113.jpg


Multijunction 052.jpgsolar cells at sunset. There's a Soitec CPV (concentrator photovoltaic) tracker panel here and and it sparkled nicely at sunset LOL.

And some earlier shots...

Multijunction 044.jpg Multijunction 027.jpg

Dotted Rocks.

Dots 011.jpgSomewhere under the stairs in ISTB 2 at around noon.

Even too hot for the fan to move and shadows are dropping LOL.

Dots 017.jpg Dots 013.jpg


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