April 2013 Archives

First triple digit

Tele 005-m.jpgday of the year with a high of 101.2 °F. Looking north west from Tempe.



Tele 053.jpgFinally a picture of the petroglyphs on A-mountain. They were engraved by members of the Hohokam culture.

And I also made some test-shots with my tele-converter, a Vivitar 2X7P, for a Tamron AF 70-300mm f/4.0-5.6. It worked fairly well, but since it was a hot day there was quite some heat haze.
Tele 017.jpg Tele 016-1.jpg

Desert plants and buildings in Tempe.
Tele 041.jpg Tele 074-1.jpg


Structures-014.jpgSome pictures from around the ASU Art Museum around sunset. All taken with my prime lens, an SMC Pentax-A 50mm/f1.4.

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Desert places.

SFO-PHX 036.jpgView of downtown Tempe before turning to approach Sky Harbor airport.

Somewhere over Arizona and South Mountain in Phoenix. The b/w picture shows a section of US 60 Superstition Freeway.

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PHX-SFO 012.jpg SFO-PHX 045-3.jpg

From the top

of Twin Peaks.
Here are the last couple images I took of San Francisco with a stitched panorama that looks all right.
A closer zoom in on downtown SF and a view to the east with the Golden Gate Bridge. The clouds moving around the broadcast tower gave some nice silhouette. And a magnificent California Cypress tree (I think).

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Fort Miley

SFaround 024.jpgan abandoned military installation at the Lands End area. Since it was on the way down to the coast I though I might as well check it out. It was cool with the the fog rolling in from the sea. Some more picures in my gallery.


SFaround 097.jpgfound on the beach just like that. No, I don't typically carry Cheers! glasses around with me, LOL.
The surfer picture came out nicely. And a vessel from the NYK Line moving through the Golden Gate. The vessel is probably on its way from Japan via LA.

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Some more pictures can be found in my gallery.

What a view.

SFaround 116.jpg
So I had some time today to walk around the city and got all the way to Lands End and took a nice stroll on the beach. Then a stop at Twin Peaks to get this awesome view of San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge.

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Monkey Business 875

SF-MB 002-1.jpg
as seen from the Moscone West.
And an MRS conference attendee unsettled by the Urban Funk Machine. Well, it certainly was funky and loud and I was half expecting Ken Kesey and his Merry Pranksters driving by...LOL

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SF Evening 026-3.jpg
makes neat effects if you happen to look up LOL.
And some touristy fish-eye shots on Market St. and down at the Port of San Francisco.

SF Evening 010.jpg SF Evening 012.jpg
SF Evening 008.jpg

San Francisco.

San Francisco Inter 001.jpg
View from the Intercontinental and another shot toward the San Francisco - Oakland Bay Bridge. And first impressions of The Bay Lights.

San Francisco Inter 004.jpg San Francisco Inter Eve 002.jpg

Cali bound

SkyHarbor 003-1.jpg
for the MRS Spring Meeting in San Francisco, YAAYYYY!!

SkyHarbor 013.jpg

Mmmhhh, LOL.


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