March 2013 Archives

Nice Day

Easter 012.jpgthis easter weekend.

Easter 019.jpg

Coor Hall on ASU Tempe campus.


QuietDay 013.jpgon a cloudy day.
Some random shots around the light rail station at University Dr/Rural Rd.

QuietDay 007.jpg QuietDay 009-1.jpg
QuietDay 015.jpg

Watch Your Step.

Night 010.jpgTiene cuidado con el escalon.


Fountain 008.jpgAll wet. At the fountain in downtown Tempe.

Even more Panstarrs.

Panstarrs 026.jpgSince the next approach is in 100,000 years here's another view from somewhere out in the boonies LOL. Picture taken with a higher ISO so it's noisy but brings out the comet better.

Here's the location of the comet in our solar system.
From the view from above ecliptic plane and view above comet orbital plane.

CometOrbitPic_View above comet orbital plane.png CometOrbitPic_View from above ecliptic plane.png

Panstarrs again.

Panstarrs 017.jpgWent out again to see if I can get a better picture of the comet with the moon and it turned out pretty cool.

Left image: Panstarrs halfway between the middle light and the top border.

And some higher magnification...

Panstarrs 021.jpg Panstarrs 024-1.jpg

Sneakers among stars.

SneakersStars 022.jpg
So I tried to have a shot at the Panstarrs comet, but the light pollution from the city didn't make it easy. The sneakers came out nicely though (shot with 50mm prime). The three lined up stars (Orion's belt) are from the Orion constellation.

SneakersStars 018-02.jpg SneakersStars 009.jpg

More rain

Rainy 001.jpg
today but a short break for a picture.

Phoenix sunset.

Evening 029-2.jpgVery orange. And look at these heavenly lines!

Evening 027-1.jpg Evening 015-1.jpg


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