November 2012 Archives

Last Day

Boston Day 009.jpg
in Boston and now it's back to Tempe and the 70's haha.
For the picture (Hancock Tower in the center) I was using a circular polarization filter that's why the sky is so blue.

The Coldness

Boston Night 010.jpg
in this city is not nice. I went out to take some night shots with my prime lens but it was freezing, literally. I mean, like 31.3 °F, honestly... So, bokeh shot LOL.

Boston Night 024.jpg

As I ascended

PHX to BOS 143.jpg
from the subterranean networks I saw the flag rendered luminous by the rising sun.

And I had to take a pic LOL. (Copley Square)

Off to the Eastcoast

Sky_Harbor 005.jpg
for another MRS Fall meeting in Boston. It seems this year the airport is a bit more lively. This reflection image was shot with my prime lens since it's the only fast one I have, but I think it turned out all right actually.


Phoenix_Sky_Harbor_Rio_Salado 044.jpgskyline after sunset taken from around Sky Harbor Int'l airport. A couple more pictures in my gallery...

Phoenix_Sky_Harbor_Rio_Salado 037.jpg


Clouds 002.jpgit was today which gave a neat sunset. This was during a supposed cold-front moving in with temperatures in the mid 70's LOL.



Hydrogen Sonata 005.JPG
The Hydrogen Sonata, the latest novel by Iain M. Banks. A space opera in the Culture series dealing with the sublimation of the Gzilt civilization accompanied by T.C. Vilabier's 26th String-Specific Sonata for the Antagonistic Undecagonstring. The Culture space ships (Minds) with their brilliant names strongly involved in the happenings.
A great read, so check it out if you enjoy SciFi on the grand scale.

Hydrogen Sonata 006.JPG

Excerpt of ship names. Ship types of the Culture.


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