October 2012 Archives


Orionides_2-1.jpgA lonely Orionid after more than one hour. I've seen a couple more but they were out of the field of view, but I guess that's as good as it gets in the city. At least the star trails turned out nicely (about 170 frames with 30 sec exposure).

Here's a composite with the camera panned down and the stars aligned.



ASU night 041.jpgThat's cool. I didn't know there was a model of the Curiosity rover in the new Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Building.

Some more night pictures from around the same building. These were taken with my prime lens (Pentax A 50mm f1.7). But I think I have to re-visit the rover because its picture is just too blurry and because it's pretty cool to check out.

ASU night 027.jpg ASU night 035.jpg


Tempe Construction Sunset 029-2.jpgThe setting sun gave some nice highlights to the construction site and the Tempe Transportation Center.

Tempe Construction Sunset 056.jpg Tempe Construction Sunset 018.jpg


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