May 2012 Archives

Shades of Green.

El Yunque 064.jpgTired of all the blue? How about some greens, LOL.

After the NDNC 2012 conference I took a tour to El Yunque National Forest, the only tropical rain forest in the U.S. National Forest system.

Check out more pics in my gallery.

But it's dangerous to go alone! Here, take him with you.

El Yunque 127.jpg


Leaving San Juan 030.jpg
Indescribable, and the pictures only capture so much!

Leaving San Juan 038.jpg Leaving San Juan 039.jpg

I've got a few more picture sets that I need to process, so if you're curious check back in a few days.

Oh, and the JetBlue T5 Terminal at JFK is pretty cool, too.

Before Takeoff...

Leaving San Juan 017.jpg
zomg, this is brilliant. Four Star Airlines - looks like everyone just left but kept everything in place. I've taken the pics from the plane at Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport.
Here a different view of the fleet.

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The last Day

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always seems to be the most awesome. I still took a dip in the ocean this beautiful morning, haha!


Malta 008.jpg
Experience the taste that is popular in Venezuela, Colombia, Cuba, Puerto Rico and other Caribbean countries.

Disfrute el sabor popular de Venezuela, Colombia, Cuba, Puerto Rico y otros países Carribeños.

Me gusta!

Quiet sea.

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This morning, so I won't get tossed around by the waves too much LOL.


Shades of Blue.

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Nice colorplay on the ocean around noon.

Larger version (2000px, 1.1 MB)

Deep blue sea.

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What an awesome morning.
Went for another run and a swim in the ocean, best thing ever.


Nice view

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from my hotel room at the Conrad Condado Plaza where the New Diamond and Nano Carbons Conference is held.

Yay, Rainbow, LOL

Rainbow 010.jpg

Battling the waves.

San Juan Sunrise 002.jpg
Such a nice morning, best go for a run and swim. Powerful waves and lots of fun. But it seems my older Garmin Forerunner doesn't work well under water LOL.



San Juan First Impressions 009.jpg
this place is.

San Juan First Impressions 010.jpg San Juan First Impressions 003.jpg


Into San Juan 042.jpg
long, long way. To San Juan, PR.

Into San Juan 044.jpg Into San Juan 058.jpg
Into San Juan 062.jpg


Jet Blue Terminal 015.jpg
as in Jet, yes. Jet Blue's brilliant terminal at JFK.

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Jet Blue Terminal 020.jpg

Yo, New York!

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Well, it sure was a bumpy ride LOL. And some discoloration through the window...

And some more pics...and the 5 day forecast, haha

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PHX to JFK 127.jpg

On my way

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to JFK, layover there. Empty Phoenix Sky Harbor late at night. Flight on JetBlue leaves in 20 min.

Update with some pics leaving Phoenix...

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PHX to JFK 014.jpg

Nice Breeze

_IGP0587.jpgin here. Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Building II.

Learning and playing with my Fish-eye lens ;-/

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Cool Toy!

_IGP0567.jpgWalked by this today and thought it was a nice heli. This guy from the National Roofing Partners was using it to make some pictures from air. It had a DSLR mounted that was configured for continuous shooting.

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More Power.

_IGP0553-1.jpgAgain some night shots this time from Kyrene Generating Station in Tempe. The gas turbines in this installation are a quick source of electricity with the fastest units ready in less than 10 minutes.
More info can be found on the SRP site.
Some more larger size pics (2000px, ~ 1MB)
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_IGP0513-2.jpgRain. Everywhere.

I'm just glad those people are here to tell us such things, haha!

But it was actually pretty cool!




_IGP0395-3-3-1.jpgwell, I gave it a shot LOL. It's two exposures stacked, one for the moon and one for landscape.

Since I had used the zoom lens, here's a bonus shot of Tempe Center for the Arts from across the lake.


Last man leaving

_IGP0316-3-1.jpgcampus. It's Spring Commencement.

And always time for one more picture LOL.



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