July 2011 Archives

You're not afraid of the dark,

dark_04.jpgare you?

Jaycee Park

JC_park_03.jpgat night; check out the curves the ball is describing.

TV Towers

transmission_towers_01.jpgSo I got a telephoto lens (Panasonic 45-200mm f/4.0-5.6 Lumix G) for my Olympus E-PL1 Micro Four Thirds camera and made some test shots at night. To the left, a picture taken from here (33.345838,-111.899124) looking west toward the TV towers on South Mountain. The distance is about 9.5 miles and you can clearly make out the structures of the broadcast towers.


And lastly new Coke vending machines which finally accept credit cards (though they did jack up prices to $1.50 for a 20 oz. bottle).


In any case, pop machines without the need for change.

What a great country!

What's cool...

Saguaro_constr_01.jpg just some impressions from ASU Tempe campus. The early evening sun nicely brought out colors of the desert plants, the impressive saguaro cacti.

Dates_01.jpg The date palms (Phoenix dactylifera) promise a good harvest with their fruit all bagged up to dry in the sun.



Duststorm_01.jpgagain! LOL
Another dustcloud was moving in today, but at least not as bad as the first storm. It sure gives the city a nice halo.

Haboob (Sandstorm)

Haboob_01.jpgThis evening a massive Haboob was moving from Casa Grande into the valley, and it was one of the craziest things I've ever seen. A dense sand/dust cloud with strong winds immersing diffused surroundings into eerie hues.

Below is a shot just across the street and to the right sometime after the main sandstorm passed through.

Haboob_02.jpg Haboob_04.jpg

And airquality took a dive, maybe I shouldn't have ventured outside. LOL


Happy Independence Day


Attributed to Ernest Vogt - Philadelphia - Side Drum - c. 1864 - Wood, Calfskin, Rope - The Crosby Brown Collection of Musical Instruments - The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Traveling with Kerouac

Kerouac_2.jpg and he commands the voyage of the imagination.

Well, these are pretty cool books, where the process of travelling is just as important as arriving at the destination. All in Kerouac's great beautifully executed prose.

Lonesome Traveler and Dharma Bums, check them out at amazon.



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