Ahhh, Progress...

LIFE_Mar_17-1941.jpgSo I came across an advertisment for air travel in LIFE magazine on Google Books . Since I've just had the trip to San Francisco it's interesting to check what's been goin on.

Here's what I paid:

Base Fare $173.02
+ Excise Taxes $12.98

This brings it up to the advertised fare of $186.00 for roundtrip.

Additional fees:
+ Segment Fee $11.10
+ Passenger Facility Charge $13.50
+ Security Fee $7.50

This brings the total up to $218.10.

In 1941 the fare taken from the advertisment amounts to $42.10 for one way and $75.78 for roundtrip. Accounting for inflation this would correspond to $1,152.00 today.

In 1941 the flight time was 4 hours 30 minutes and for my flight the distance was covered in 1 hour 55 minutes.


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