April 2011 Archives


It's a nice walk of about one mile from City Hall to Japantown and with GPS, Google maps and an Android cell you can't possibly get lost. (This is like one of the best inventions since Google maps also shows you public transportation, transit lines and stops including their schedule.)


There are several restaurants and shops and I checked out some japanese candy at Nijiya market.


So I checked out these fizzy candy, Lion Soda Pop Kids and they're totally awesome LOL. It's hard candy with a fizzy center and comes in grape, apple, lemon, ramune (lemon-lime), orange and cola flavor.

And since we're talking Japan here, candy also has QR codes you can check with your cell phone. Unfortunately their website is only in japanese, but check out those 3D dinosaur candy, can it be any more rad? haha

City Hall

City_Hall_01.jpgwhich was re-opened in 1915 after being destroyed during the 1906 earthquake presents the city in all its splendor.


Might as well get security screened to have a look around inside...


battle flags from WW I, a model of a Golden Gate Bridge pylon, and the City Hall dome.
An open safe and a heart with names of same-sex couples. Maybe "Love opens Locks"? It seems someone even made a T-shirt with this slogan.

ok Mobile

in front of City Hall. But it actually is a Book Mobile from San Francisco Public Library.

San Francisco 2011

picture taken from here (37.778509,-122.411685) facing General Bead on Minna St.


in sidestreet setting, here Stevenson St.

San Francisco

Pretty nice day after all the clouds moved out around noon, typical for the Bay Area. Just a shot down Market St at the intersection with 7th.


And down 7th St to Mission


The reason for all this is located on the other side, the San Francisco Federal Building.

Along the Pacific Coast

The flight from San Diego to San Francisco follows a scenic route along the Pacific Coast with most awesome beaches and Los Angeles the biggest city. To the west of LA is Santa Monica shown here, cause LA was all clouded up LOL.


About 20 miles west of Santa Monica, Malibu - pretty much perfect.


Picturesque clouds over Apple Headquarters in Cupertino.


And final descent into San Francisco.

Quick Stop

in San Diego. Coastal cities are pretty awesome so check out the cruise ship.

Closing in

on San Diego and coming from the desert makes you really appreciate all this green haha!

Salton Sea

It was a short flight from Phoenix to San Diego, crossing Imperial Valley with its Salton Sea in Southern California.

Here's the location on the map (33.092232,-115.716248.)

Headed for the Frisco Bay...

for another Spring MRS Meeting.
Hanging out at the airport shooting pics of airplanes LOL


TTC_02.jpgI kind of liked how the tree blossom is projected onto the sun shade.
Picture taken at Tempe Transportation Center, here (33.425948,-111.936115).

Dig this great book.

Kerouac_On_the_Road.jpgJack Kerouac, defining member of the Beat Generation recounts his travels with his friends, foremost, Neal Cassady, across the United States, to the end of the continent, where there's no more land and to the end of the road, while they dig the whole world that's out there.

The Original Scroll edition preserves the original document which Kerouac typed as one long paragraph and he then taped together to form a scroll.

You can find the book at amazon.com.

First triple digit...

day of the year, 100.2F. Gotta love desert climate, haha.
Data from Tempe weather station.


P3310779_1400x1050.pngSince I got a more decent camera, Olympus E-PL1, than my point and shoot Canon Powershot SX100 IS I tried to start on some star trails. Since the camera allows for manual settings and RAW image format the first attempt turmed out ok. The picture was taken at our Macrotechnology Works lab at ASU Research Park, here.


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