January 2011 Archives

Sweet Oranges...

it's been real nice here with temperatures approaching mid 70's ... and the oranges won't get any more orange, haha.

Sweet Car...

seen downtown Tempe. Check out the silver skull on top of the dashboard. It's an ornamental reference to the "Day of the Dead" a spanish holiday (Día de los Muertos) and neat looking mexican folk art.


Surface Detail

The latest novel in the "Culture" series by Iain M. Banks.

"The Hells existed because some faiths insisted on them, and some societies, too, even without the excuse of over-indulged religiosity.
Many species and civilisations objected profoundly to the very idea of Hells, no matter whose they were."

A story about the fight between pro and anti-Hell fractions embedded in Banks' well narrated space opera setting.

You can find the print or Kindle edition at Amazon.

Cutting edge...

case_knife.jpgmy neat new pocket knife made by W.R. Case & Sons Cutlery Company based in Bradford, PA.

The knife has a red bone handle and a Tru-Sharp® Surgical Steel blade with lockback feature. The bolsters are made of nickel silver and the liners brass.

If you're looking to get a pocket knife check them out.


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