April 2010 Archives

This is really good art...

...who dares to disagree? LOL

During my stay in Portland, while going to the Skatepark to hang out there I happened to come across an opening exhibition, Portland 2010, A Biennial of Contemporary Art.

So I had to step in and it was totally rad. One highlight was the 'upgraded' elevator, come check it out.

There are some more pictures of the artwork in my gallery.

Best bread in town...

I had to go to Phoenix today and I realized that a yummy stop is going to be on my way.
Simplybread! They bake the best bread in all of Phoenix metro, or maybe even the whole southwest. So I made some pictures of their store and some of their breads. OOH LA LA Cranberry-walnut-raisin bread, absolutely awesome closely followed by DOWN HOME multigrain (not on the picture because I bought the last two loaves, haha).

The store can be found at 33.47244,-112.029852.

Random shots...

of San Francisco using my LOMO cam. I was attending the MRS Spring Meeting and staying at the Intercontinental, a fairly new and pretty neat hotel. Ridiculous fact: They charge you $30 for a fridge in your room, ffs. Well, I was just walking around the city, mainly downtown SF, Union Square, Yerba Buena Gardens and down at the Embarcadero enjoying urban life.


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