January 2010 Archives

Tempe at dusk

I decided to take a hike on A-mountain to make some nightly pictures of the city.
Most of them were taken from 33.428172,-111.935808 looking west toward downtown Phoenix.

Coolest thing is probably the Metro light rail bridge illuminated with what have to be a million LEDs, LOL.

So check it out in my gallery.

Could someone...

stop this torrential rain. Honestly, this is totally unacceptable..LOL
Well, at least it's not too cold.

The Wundermap is taken from Weather Underground (wunderground.com).


So I finished most of Asimov's Foundation novels.

The Foundation is established by a psychohistorian while the first galactic empire crumbles to prevent a longlasting barbarian interregnum until a a second, greater galactic empire can be established.

It's a great SciFi read on galactic proportions from one of the masters, so check it out.

Blue Mesquite

I had a few minutes this morning before the next Metro train so I took this quick shot of the station.

The etched glass installation illuminated by LED spots resembles a Mesquite tree. The color of the light actually changes with time, fading from blue to blue-green in the morning and to red in the evening.

Can you spot the cowboy and horse in the back?

Sugar, ya-hooo!

Pepsi has again their throwback soda which is made with real sugar instead of the nasty high fructose corn syrup.

Unfortunately it's only limited time so I guess I'll have to stock up a bit, haha.


...and blue sky:
winter in Tempe, AZ

This picture is from an orange tree down the street where I just liked the intense colors of green, orange and blue.

Citrus trees are very common around here. You can even buy local lemons, oranges and grapefruits at the Tempe Farmers Market, which is cool.


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