June 2009 Archives

My new moo, cards that is...

Check out my new moo mini cards. Moo has done a great print job.

Most of the pictures I've taken around ASU campus.

Partial obstruction

A random shot from the building next to our lab on ASU main campus.

The outside of the building is paneled with corrugated and perforated metal sheets, so you get some sort of 'shutter shades' effect.

To the left the Biodesign Institute.

Back from the Boonies...

I attended the NDNC 2009 conference where I gave a talk on "A Critical Comparison of Thermionic Electron Emitters Based on Phosphorus and Nitrogen Doped Diamond Films." There were other interesting contributions and I had some nice discussions.

But the meeting was held at the Grand Traverse Resort & Spa which despite the lies on the conference flier is actually located in Acme, MI.

This place is worse than Auburn, AL. So, don't go there unless,... well, just don't go there.

My oldest quarter...

quarter_1943.jpgI got a pretty old quarter the other day.

In 1943 a gallon of gas was 21 cents, a bottle (6 ½ -ounce) of CocaCola a nickel.
The average wages $2,000 per year.


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